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5 benefits of Vietnam Company Establishment

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05 Exclusives Benefits of Establishing Your Company in Vietnam

Vietnam’s economy has rapidly grown in recent years, evolving into the next booming economy in the ASEAN region. Here are 05 significant benefits of establishing and developing your business in Vietnam.


Vietnam's FTA involvement boosts business growth

Vietnam's FTA involvement boosts business growth


Vietnam has become a member of bilateral and multilateral diplomatic relations with developed economies such as China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, ASEAN through CPTPP, AFTA, AJCEP, AKFTA, ACFTA, KVFTA, FJEPA…


Establishing your company in Vietnam can provide exceptional benefits due to those Vietnam’s signed trade agreements.


Reduce import taxes & fees

A Vietnam-based company can enjoy reduced import taxes and fees, lowering production costs and increasing market competitiveness

Opportunity to reach large customers

Your business in Vietnam can reach a large customer base in developed countries such as China, Japan, and India through the bilateral and multilateral international agreements Vietnam has entered.

Intellectual Property Protection

Vietnam’s trade agreements strengthen intellectual property protection for your Vietnam business, providing a secure environment for your business growth.

Get ahead of the competition in Vietnam by leveraging the benefits of Free Trade Agreements.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow your business in Vietnam.

The untapped potential exists for the domestic economy

Vietnam’s domestic economy still has many sectors that have not been invested in and exploited, so there is still a lot of room for development, typically: 

  • Information technology and software development
  • Renewable energy and clean technologies
  • Healthcare and medical services
  • Education and training
  • Tourism and hospitality
  • Agriculture and agribusiness
  • Infrastructure and transportation
  • Textiles and garment manufacturing
  • Consumer goods and retail
  • Manufacturing and industrial production.

Venturing into the aforementioned sectors by establishing a company in Vietnam can significantly boost your chances of success, minimise competition, and provide ample economic growth and expansion opportunities.

Vietnam's tax incentive policy is highly attractive

Vietnam’s highly attractive tax incentives for foreign investors, especially in the technology, science, education, and healthcare sectors, can provide significant long-term financial benefits.


By expanding your business in Vietnam, you can take advantage of these incentives, such as tax exemptions and reductions, creating an excellent opportunity for growth and success.

Seize the opportunity to benefit from Vietnam’s tax incentives and propel your business to new heights.

Attractive tax policies in Vietnam

The workforce is diverse and cost-efficient

Workforce in Vietnam

Vietnam’s diverse and cost-efficient workforce presents a unique opportunity for businesses looking to expand in the region. 

Expanding your business in Vietnam can benefit from a wider pool of talent and lower labour costs, helping to increase profit margins.

The operational costs are minimal, resulting in significant savings

Vietnam offers a cost-effective business environment, with low operational costs and tax incentives for foreign businesses. Its competitiveness makes it ideal for expanding operations and maximising profit margins.
Operation costs in Vietnam

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Maximizing Vietnam Business Setup

Maximizing Your Vietnam Business Setup: How Our Professional Services Can Help You Navigate Fees and Expenses

Maximizing Your Vietnam Business Setup: How Our Professional Services Can Help You Navigate Fees and Expenses Setting up a company in Vietnam can be a complex and daunting task, with numerous legal requirements and compliance obligations to navigate. At our legal service company, we provide expert assistance to foreign businesses looking to establish and expand their operations in Vietnam. Our professional services can streamline the process, minimize risks, and ultimately help you save costs in the long run.

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